About Rambling Stems

“I love to find beautifully organic floral design solutions, and the more unique and individual they are, the better” — Ali Conway, Founder

Ali Conway, Rambling Stems Wedding flowers, Bedfordshire

Beautiful floral design solutions

Working with flowers and with nature is truly in my heart and soul. With my background in horticulture and 25 years in Garden Design, I have a real passion, flair and understanding of nature, and how flowers look and grow in their natural environment. I’m so thrilled to have moved into floral design and to be able to work closely with my couples, to create the wedding florals of their dreams. It was less of a ‘career change’ to move into floral design, but more of a natural progression.

My garden design background allows me to bring the outdoors in, and put together floral designs that really do look like they’ve grown there, in situ.

Foliage and flowers go together like musical notes in a song. They are not random choices; they are carefully selected and chosen to work together, and alongside each other, they must ramble and tumble over each other, to form the perfect harmony.

Rambling Stems flower illustration
This job is such a privilege. I genuinely get excited about the floral possibilities for each and every wedding!
— Ali Conway, Founder, Rambling Stems

I genuinely do get excited for every new wedding brief and feel so privileged to be part of your special day. It’s an honour to be able to curate and design bespoke florals that will truly reflect you and your venue, your style and your vision. I’ll guide you through the process and work with you, and with your other chosen suppliers, to put together your dream day.

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There for you, every step of the way…

Rambling Stems Wedding flowers, Bedfordshire

Eco credentials

Moving into floral design from garden design, had one big shock for me; and that is, the amount of single-use plastics that were in abundance within the Industry. From cellophane wraps to plastic card holders, tapes, poly ribbons and worst of all – floral foam. I was shocked to learn that an industry based on providing natural beauty, had a rather hidden secret beneath.

Right from the start, I have been determined to reduce Rambling Stems’ carbon footprint and waste, as much as possible, and made a pledge to NEVER use the toxic single-use plastic; Floral Foam, within my business.

All Rambling Stems designs are created using sustainable techniques – I use water vessels, reusable containers, twine, chicken wire, moss and biodegradable Agra wool.

Everything I use and create is recyclable or compostable, and I will suggest ways to reuse and recycle as much as possible on your wedding day.

Rambling Stems flower illustration
Rambling Stems Wedding flowers, Bedfordshire

If sustainability is as important to you, as it is to me, then it’s crucial that you choose foam-free florals for your big day.  Floral foam is unfortunately still widely used within our Industry, for its’ ease of use and practicality.  However, once I’d discovered how harmful it was to me as a florist, and to the environment, I found alternative ways to keep my flowers fresh, hydrated and looking spectacular for your wedding day.

I have made a commitment to be completely foam-free for all my designs. It may take a little longer to build and prepare the behind-the-scenes mechanics of a floral installation but to me, it is non-negotiable for our environment.  

Your florals will be beautiful, seasonal, fresh and (as much as possible) they will be locally sourced. Having built relationships with several local flower farm suppliers, right here in Bedfordshire, I like to use British flowers as much as possible.

Proud to be foam-free

Rambling Stems flower illustration
Ali, Rambling Stems, wedding flowers
Ali, Rambling Stems Wedding flowers, Bedfordshire

Working with the Seasons

I’ll always advise my clients to work with and within the seasons as much as possible. Flowers are a natural product and whilst we can source most things at many times of the year, that’s not an environmentally sound choice, and won’t be great for your budget either. Better to work within seasonal availability and use the stunning array of British florals that are available within their growing season (April- October). 

Rambling Stems, Wedding flowers

I love to add locally grown flowers into every wedding I create. We may still have to supplement this with imported Dutch flowers, but working with my local flower farmers brings individuality, elements of surprise and a natural look. It supports local business and, with no air-miles, is a much lower carbon footprint; therefore much better for our environment.

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Supporting Local Flower Farms

Nature inspired icon

Nature inspired

Eco Ethos icon

Eco ethos

Supporting local icon

Supporting local

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Our services

Let my wedding clients tell you about their experience…

Rambling Stems flower illustration

Genuine excitement and enthusiasm, for every individual wedding.
I’d love to hear about your wedding plans!