Cookie Policy


Cookies are small files that hold information; they're placed or 'dropped' on your computer when you access websites or use apps on your device. The data contained in the cookie can be retrieved by the website or app that placed them there. They can also be accessed by websites or apps that have been authorised to use them by the site or app that first dropped them.

Some cookies only exist for a short period of time, and are then automatically deleted by your device. Others last for longer – these are called 'persistent cookies' – and some exist for years unless manually deleted. These can be used to analyse multiple site visits over time, or customise the content that's displayed.

Some cookies are set by the website or app you're visiting; these are called 'first party' cookies. Others may be set by a third party when you use a site or app – for example, by a tool built into the website, or by an advertising network that displays adverts on the site or in the app.

Read more about cookies on the site of the Information Commissioner's Office (who regulated data usage).

Cookies we use:

Squarespace Cookies: needed for things like logging whether you see error messages – so we can make improvements and fix bugs – as well as allowing you to use shopping baskets (which remember your choices as you navigate our site) and make a purchase.

Analytics Cookies: needed to analyse the performance of this website and create reports on website traffic, sources and popular pages etc. This includes Squarespace cookies and Google Analytics cookies.

Advertising Cookies: needed for information about your browsing habits (including details of the websites you've visited), which we use to make sure you receive advertising relevant to you. We (or third parties and advertising networks on our behalf) may use them to show you ads we think you'll be interested in across the internet (including on other sites you visit), based on your interaction with our website, app and your browsing history. This may include Google Adwords, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp and various other display advertising providers.

Cookies on websites we link to

We often link to other sites to give you extra information or services. Where these are provided by a third party, you may leave our website by clicking through to theirs. In this case, the cookies policy set out on the third party's website will also apply. As this won't be controlled by us, you should read their policy to find out what information is being collected and how it's used.

If you don’t want cookies

When you ‘agree’ to receive cookies on our pop-up, you are giving your consent.

If you are not happy, then you should either not use this site, delete our website cookies after visiting the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari etc.).

To find out more about Cookies, including how to control, opt-out and delete them, go to for guidance.